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Cool Vibes Reiki Sound Therapy

Reiki (pronounced “ray-key”) is a complementary therapy that promotes deep relaxation and natural healing. It works by using energy (also known as chi/ki or prana) to heal you on many levels, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. It is the same energy that is worked with in Acupuncture, Shiatsu, Tai Chi and Yoga.


It originated in Japan early in the 1900’s and was developed by Mikao Usui. The original system was used mainly for self healing and spiritual development. It was only later when it came to the Western world that it became a system to treat others.

Reiki is a holistic therapy that treats the cause of the problem and not just the presenting condition. This means that it can help with a wide range of conditions including stress, anxiety and sleep problems to name but a few.


My Reiki sessions typically last 45 to 60 minutes. Try and arrive 10 minutes early to fill out paperwork and prepare for the session.


Expect to spend the entire session lying fully clothed on a treatment table. You may be on your back for the full session, or I may have you roll onto your stomach at some point. Just make sure to tell me beforehand if you’re pregnant or can’t lie flat for some reason; I have a recliner for you to use.


I may work with my hands on or off your body, though I’ll never touch genitals or women’s breasts (unless someone with breast cancer specifies that she or he would like that area worked on).


The goal of the session is relaxation, so there likely won’t be much talking necessarily. It’s important, however, that you tell the me if you need any adjustments at any point during the session. Your comfort is the most important thing, so if you’re uncomfortable for any reason, like if you’re too hot or cold, or the position you’re lying in is uncomfortable, make sure you to let me know.

I keep blankets and pillows near the treatment table in case people get cold or need a lift under their knees.


As I work, you may feel a warm, pulsing energy coming from my hands. All these sensations are very comforting, and they don’t mean anything other than that the Reiki energy is flowing.


You should feel deeply relaxed during the session. Some people fall asleep; others enter a deep meditative state. For this reason, I will gently awaken people once the session is over. The Reiki session should leave you feeling very calm and relaxed. The idea is to bring this state with you, so you want to get off the table in a calm, slow, deliberate way. Sit for a few minutes and sip some water.”

If possible, go home and relax after your Reiki session, If you can’t go straight home, try to avoid stressful errands or tasks — or build in a nonstressful buffer activity before returning to your typical routine. For example, if you have to go back to work, stop and have lunch on your way. Give yourself some time.


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