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Sound Therapy

Sound Therapy can have many benefits in the modern world. Sound therapy can relieve stress, bring the body into balance, calm anxiety, reduce pain, enhance relaxation, increase good karma and remove negative energy, promote better sleep, encourage better behaviour in children, and help people recover from trauma and illness.


Much like the practice of yoga, sound healing has beneficial effects on the body, mind, and spirit.


How does sound Therapy work? Sound therapy works by entrainment, that is, it draws the brain waves into a more relaxed and calm state by means of listening to music or other sounds. The brain waves become attuned to the sounds and naturally slow down, similarly to what happens during meditation.


Once the sound therapy has helped the body and mind to relax. Chemicals will be released into the body to enhance mood, and blood vessels and the lymphatic system will open and help the body in its efforts to heal.


The mind will feel calmer and more relaxed, leading to better health outcomes as well. In addition, the person will feel more in tune spiritually and will feel more whole and grounded.


Main Benefits of Sound Therapy.

In today’s stressful world, negative emotions and energy can build up in the body. Using calming and healing sounds can reverse this trend, enhancing positive emotions and instilling positive energy into the body, mind, and spirit.


Sound Therapy can:

  • Relieve stress.

  • Bring the body into balance.

  • Calm anxiety.

  • Reduce pain.

  • Enhance relaxation.

  • Increase good karma.

  • Remove negative energy.

  • Promote better sleep.

  • Encourage better behavior in children.

  • Help recover from trauma and illness.

  • Reduce blood pressure.


Tuning forks are a gentle, non-invasive vibrational therapy. Everything in the universe has it’s own unique vibrational pattern, including your body. Each fork vibrates at a specific healing frequency and is designed to bring you into a deeper state of balance. Acupuncture also works with vibrational energy, and tuning forks are most often placed on acupuncture points to activate the point and encourage balance in that particular organ or meridian system. The vibrations relax the nervous system, allowing deeper healing to occur.

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