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  • roger08672

One Mums Reiki Miracle

Sometimes, a single Reiki session can be life-changing.

One mums Reiki Miracle.

A mother in America recently shared her journey of overcoming postpartum depression and rediscovering the joy of parenthood. It all began with one powerful Reiki session.

Reiki has a unique way of unlocking our inner healing potential. In this case, it helped a struggling mom release anger and embrace love, ultimately transforming her relationship with her child. Healing is not always immediate, and sometimes the effects can be subtle. However, in certain moments, the impact of Reiki is profound and undeniable. Physical healing can also be achieved. This mom, who had been experiencing pain during intimacy, found relief after her Reiki session. Coincidence or a testament to the healing energy of Reiki? You decide. It's natural to wonder if it's all in our heads. But the power of Reiki is real, and the healing it can bring is truly astounding. Feeling cold or experiencing emotions from the past during a session is not unusual. In fact, it's a sign that the Reiki energy is working to release deep-seated traumas. You're not crazy for seeking healing through Reiki. Embrace this journey of self-discovery and growth. As for when to return for another session, listen to your intuition. Your body and spirit will guide you. Trust yourself.

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